Tracy Butler, CRDH, MFT
Tracy Butler has 28 years of diverse experience in the dental industry from chairside and beyond. Tracy is a registered dental hygienist, thought leader, motivational speaker, sales leader/coach and change agent. She believes the key to every successful treatment outcome begins with an accurate assessment leading to a co-diagnosis between the patient and dental team. Tracy's clinical experience began in a busy comprehensive restorative practice in West Palm Beach, Florida. She attended the Dawson Academy and is a graduate of the Aesthetic Advantage Institute mastery level study. Tracy spent over 11 years on faculty at Palm Beach State College dental hygiene program & research clinic and considers few things more rewarding. Tracy feels blessed to have been mentored and coached by the leading authorities in occlusion, function/relation, complete care dentistry and the business of dentistry. Tracy's commitment to ultimate patient care propelled her to pursue a career in implant and regenerative dentistry with Straumann, USA. She was appointed National Director of Hygiene Education and Profession-al Relations in 2013 and is proud to lead the initiative for Straumann in elevating dental hygienists and the entire dental team throughout North America.